10 Steps to a Simple Digital Marketing Plan

For small businesses, keeping up with day-to-day phone calls, sales, orders, problem-solving, staffing issues and everything else coming your way takes up numerous hours per day. Who has the time for social media, website management and email marketing?

High Key Impact, LLC has created a ‘Just Enough’ Digital Marketing Plan for small business owners. The idea is to take 10-15 minutes/day and choose 1-2 items below each day to jump start your company’s online footprint.

Small business owners can do this in 10 simple steps:

  1. Sit quietly and write out 5-10 posts to space out over the next several days. Include photos of product or people and various happenings at your company from the past week.
  2. Use a social media post scheduling tool such as Buffer or Hootsuite to publicize these posts on Twitter and Facebook posts over the next several days.
  3. Engage on your company’s Facebook.com page with those who like or comment your company’s posts.
  4. Re-Tweet others’ posts, follow more users and thank those accounts engaged on your Twitter.com feed.
  5. Do a Google Search for your company. Is your Search Engine Optimization working correctly? Make a note of what is not working so your web guru can help with a fix.
  6. Search your keywords. Is your competitor listed before your business on Google? If so, find a way to link your website to other websites. The more web pages you can arrange which link back to your company website, the better the boost in search engine capabilities for your product or brand.
  7. Are there engaging and intriguing reviews for your product and service on the web? Search reviews for your business. If the average review amounts to 3 stars or less, ask more customers to rate your business online. The end goal is to have at least 4-5 stars.
  8. Is your website mobile-friendly? If not or if you do not know what that means, contact your web guru.
  9. Not able to get to any business card exchanges or networking groups? Are you on Linkedin? If not, start a profile and connect with others. What a great tool to keep in touch with business people from varying industries. It’s a simple way to connect with others and share experiences.
  10. Email and call clients on a routine basis to keep your name in front of them. Word of mouth advertising from an existing customer base is the most powerful tool for outbound marketing.  Ask for testimonials!


by Cheryl Friedenberg, Cheryl@highkeyimpact.com