Is your Facebook Page’s reach dwindling? Are your website visits at a standstill? Trying to come up with the next big marketing push but don’t know what to do?
Many marketing gurus look at analytics and algorithms to see what works on a never-ending basis. And there are some obvious current trends.
Where content marketing is King, live video is Master-of-the-Universe!
And the ‘Oomph-iest’ live video tool available is free and easy to use!
Facebook Live
You’ve probably tried it a couple times and thought “I hate myself on camera” or “What should I say?”.
The idea with Facebook Live is to give your followers information which is interesting & relevant, timely and grabs their attention.
Are you attending an industry-related gathering? Broadcast a few minutes from Facebook Live. Is there an expert guest visiting your business? Broadcast it!
Also, script your ‘Live’ feed in advance so you know what to say. A Facebook Live feed without direction tends to get few viewers, however, if you are introducing a new product or highlighting another product or service, describe in detail all along the Live feed what is happening. Silence will not keep followers watching.
Another key is to stay ‘Live’ more than a minute or two (our normal Facebook video cut-off point) in order for Facebook to notify your followers. Once they see you are live, the hope is that they interact with your broadcast. After the Live portion is over, the Facebook followers who missed it may view it as a newsfeed post. We’ve heard by using Facebook Live consistently, your reach organically tends to get more attention. Try it at different times of the day and various days of the week to see what works best!
By using Facebook Live, your small business marketing may just jump to the next level!
Cheryl Friedenberg, Marketing Consultant, High Key Impact LLC,